Monday, 20 August 2012

COFA Annual 2011


I thought I'd kick off my blog with a summary of my artworks from throughout my degree at the College of Fine Arts (COFA) in Sydney, Australia. 

Studying textiles within a Fine Arts degree enabled me to explore so many wondrous materials and techniques! Here is a small selection of my favourite works in which I have utilised wire, cotton, and wool with crochet, colour discharge and scorching (playing with fire is ALWAYS fun!)

Crocheted copper wire 

Filtered Thoughts 
Discarded coffee cups, cotton, silk, embroidery thread, glue

Filtered Thoughts (detail)

Crocheted woollen yarn

Woollen blanket, nails and blowtorch (used in making)

Untitled (detail) 

Head here for more artworks by myself and many amazing graduates from the class of 2011!